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Cybersecurity Stocks to invest

There is a cyber attack in each 39 seconds, 95% of breaches are caused directly by human error and anyone could be the next victim.

The number of ransomware attacks rose by 62% by 2020 on global scale, and the cost of cybercrime is expected to hit 6 trillion USD in 2021 and projected to grow 10,5 trillion USD by 2025.

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting IoT devices, computers or network systems against access attempts or damages.

The worldwide cybersecurity market size is forecast to increase to 345,4 billion USD by 2026 with 75 billion connected IoT devices by 2025. As daily routine processes become automated, the cybersecurity field is more important than ever in the digital era. All in all, investing in cybersecurity stocks can yield promising returns.

Benefits of Cybersecurity Stocks:

  • Increased growth potential
  • Broad diversification
  • Professionally and actively managed
  • Traded on the reputable exchanges

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