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During the Berlin blockade and airlift in 1948–49, e-commerce began as a standard for exchanging papers. It also traces back to 1979 when Michael Aldrich, an entrepreneur from the United Kingdom, invented online shopping.

E-Commerce, or electronic commerce, maintains relationships and conducts commercial transactions through computer networks, including selling information, services, and products.

During the COVID-19 era, e-commerce changed drastically and will undoubtedly continue to do so in the following years. Because shoppers turned to e-commerce for a respite from the pandemic's painful reality, they couldn't stop buying from their favourite sites (44% of all digital purchases) and online marketplaces (47% of global digital assets), according to Investing in e-Commerce companies may be a good trading choice in the long run.

Benefits of E-Commerce Stocks:

  • Broad diversity
  • Professional and active management
  • Increased possibility for growth

Not only an investment but also the greatest wealth a person can have.

Travel & Leisure

‘’Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.’’

Internet of Things

An investment that connects and delivers data across technologies.

Cloud Computing

On-demand access to computer resources; motivated investment by equities.

5G Technology

Do not only switch your technology to 5G but also your investment portfolio.


Wise conduct in investment, upgrade your finances from semi-open to open.

E-Sports and Gaming

Young and rapidly evolving industry attracts both sports fans and investors.

Fintech Industry

Seize the FinTech investment opportunities as innovation will remain a top priority.

Clean and Renewable Energy

Wise conduct in investment, upgrade your finances from semi-open to open.

Utilities Stocks

A safe and lower-risk option delivers reasonable returns.


Sustainability is a must, but responsible investment is a plus.


Dive into the hype, discover beyond the universe investing options!

Banking and Finance

Investment opportunities for both starters and professionals