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Invest thematic

Thematic Stock Investing with Trive

Thematic Equities is our portfolio that aligns with trading trends. The concept includes a wide range of stock products from the Internet of Things to E-sports companies that innovatively reshape today's world. Check and invest in Thematic Equities with Trive world full of privileges.


Not only an investment but also the greatest wealth a person can have.

Travel & Leisure

‘’Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.’’

Internet of Things

An investment that connects and delivers data across technologies.

Cloud Computing

On-demand access to computer resources; motivated investment by equities.

5G Technology

Do not only switch your technology to 5G but also your investment portfolio.


Wise conduct in investment, upgrade your finances from semi-open to open.


Acquiring a vision for cybersecurity investment is much more than a matter of IT.

E-Sports and Gaming

Young and rapidly evolving industry attracts both sports fans and investors.

Fintech Industry

Seize the FinTech investment opportunities as innovation will remain a top priority.

Clean and Renewable Energy

Wise conduct in investment, upgrade your finances from semi-open to open.

Utilities Stocks

A safe and lower-risk option delivers reasonable returns.


Sustainability is a must, but responsible investment is a plus.


Dive into the hype, discover beyond the universe investing options!

Banking and Finance

Investment opportunities for both starters and professionals


Better market efficiency and fast business processes


Don’t miss the shapeshift of all types of businesses

Why do investors choose Thematic Equities?

Thematic Equities are the shares of the companies that are expected to increase in value. The portfolio focuses on future trends regarding structural change in companies and industries.

The thematic investment approach is different from traditional financial products. The strategy of the companies and industries listed as thematic is to find solutions to challenges on a global scale. They have the potential to offer sustainable returns in the long term.